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Non-Flowering Bloom Color Plants

Success! The following plants match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

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Featured Plants
Abies balsamea

Abies balsamea

Balsam Fir
  • Broad upright open habit
  • Soft, glossy, dark green needles
  • Upright cones mature to a purple-grey then coppery-brown
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Acer palmatum Emperor One

Acer palmatum Emperor One

Emperor One Japanese Maple
  • Dark red foliage turns scarlet in fall
  • Leafs out later in the spring which in turn helps avoid any spring frost damage
  • Fast growing
  • Tolerates acidic soil
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Betula nigra Heritage®

Betula nigra Heritage®

River Birch
  • Distinctive bark provides visual interest all year-round
  • Withstands even the harshest of weather conditions
  • Extremely low-maintenance
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Taxodium distichum Peve Minaret

Taxodium distichum Peve Minaret

Bald Cypress
  • Upright, pyramidal form
  • Soft, green needles in the summer
  • Foliage turns yellow to rusty-brown in fall before defoliating
  • Tolerates moisture-retentive or submerged
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